Que es. el movimiento vienna secession and new objectivity
Que es. el movimiento vienna secession and new objectivity

They now help to problematize and question the artist’s status, redefining what, in that context, can be considered an artwork, questioning what the contribute of the public – a public eager for experiencing the amazing world of techno-magnificence – can be regarding the foundations and paths of art itself. They no longer just dilute and complicate frontiers between artistic disciplines. New supports, technical means, production methods and presentation spaces have contributed to an enlargement of the range of possibilities regarding artistic creation. The result was the commitment to the integral formation of the individual, bringing knowledge, dissemination, recognition and appreciation of the art of dance to the local community. There was an approximation of the young students to the art world mainly in promoting a unique experience, regarding the process of preparing and presenting an art show about a work as established as the Rite of Spring. The scenic design and choreography was based on a version already held in Berlin / Germany in 2004 with the Berlin Philharmonic however, the Campinas version of the Rite of Spring brought a pedagogical and inclusive nature, promoting an interdisciplinary artistic spectacle involving the areas of dance, music and history. de Dança”, also from the city of Campinas.


The realization of this project took 100 children from public schools and social projects of City Dance, as well as dancers from the professional dance group “Seis+1 Cia. To discuss such actions, I bring as a case study the experience as artistic director to the “100 anos da obra Sagração da Primavera” (100 years of the work Rite of Spring) project, devised by the Secretaria de Cultura da Prefeitura da Cidade de Campinas/Brasil (Secretary of Culture of the Prefecture of the City of Campinas / Brazil) in partnership with the Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Campinas integrating different areas of knowledge within the arts. This article proposes to reflect upon how collaborative artistic projects arising from public and governmental institutional actions can directly affect the cultural and artistic development process within a community, as well as the educational background of young people from public schools. Since the XMEDIA ARTS book is the result of a conference organized in 2016, which was the first internanional conference in social arts and transdisciplinarity, we expect that in the near future another event of the same kind may occur. All the reflections included in this book will be disseminated through a variety of media at all higher education institutions in Portugal and also internationally. Therefore, artists and researchers present their work in one of these subjects or any combination of these. Although the book main themes are - sustainability, contextuality, minorities and citizenry - its knowledge knows no bounds.

que es. el movimiento vienna secession and new objectivity

The authors are experts from a wide variety of national and international academic institutions, as well as from relevant cultural organizations. XMEDIA ARTS projects and researches come from various elds of art including architecture, visual arts, design, theatre, dance and music, as well as multimedia and audiovisual media. As a result, a relationship between the ethics and aesthetics in such practices contributes to the emergence of an artistic culture focused on producing multiple forms of social innovation.

que es. el movimiento vienna secession and new objectivity

This expansion of artistic production to include a public dimension also triggers a variety of theories and practices that deepen the inherent citizenship of the artist. Thus, the exclusive authorship of the artist is decentralized and a new status is established in which public attitude changes from passive, as a mere observer of an artistic work, to participatory. This type of artistic practice includes collaboration between creators and disciplines, as well as involving public participation.

que es. el movimiento vienna secession and new objectivity

Although the vanguards of the second half of the twentieth century have reused such early century avant-garde strategies, they go beyond the earlier models by developing related critical theory. How have multiple artistic practices, designed to benefit the larger society, like those of the Russian Constructivists in the early twentieth century or the Environmental and Feminist art movements in the sixties, developed synergies among themselves and other areas of knowledge? Within this context, the concepts of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity have evolved, in which the social theme and the main goals of the respective artistic practices are more important then any disciplinary boundary. XMEDIA ARTS aims to reflect on artistic disciplines involving social practice and their respective transdisciplinarity.

Que es. el movimiento vienna secession and new objectivity